Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Wishes!

This is the last Wednesday Wishes of September and starting next week I'm going to be posting Halloween wishes/likes!  I can't wait!  Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday!  Until then, here are my faves from this past week:

                                                                      Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

Crispy Southwest Chicken Wraps!  I saw these and I thought they looked super delicious!  Well, the other night I was trying to think of something quick to make for dinner and this is what I chose.  I put two frozen chicken breasts in a skillet with some water and cranked the heat to 6ish.  They were done in no time.  I also used instant rice to speed things up.  The wraps/burritos turned out great!  Pacen even liked them (except for the beans).  I will definitely be making these again...maybe mixing it up a bit...and possibly freezing some for future dinners.  (Maybe next time I make them I'll post pictures.)

                                                                            Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I LOVE this idea!  I am in love with the ocean as I've mentioned before here, and my house is filled with nautical decor.  I would love to do this!  I'm thinking in the upstairs bathroom when I get it remodeled.  Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!  (That was my excited squeal.)  I can't wait!

                                                                 Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I am in love with this house, this yard, the view, and the location!!!  It is all so gorgeous!!  I would move there in a heartbeat!

                                                                          Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

Speaking of bathrooms, this is how I want my upstairs bathroom to look!  Almost exactly!  I also have a claw-foot tub that I want to put in that bathroom!  Now I am super motivated and excited!  Too bad I don't have the funds at the moment...or the time for that matter.  :(  Boooooooo!

                                                                   Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

When I create the mudroom on my back stairs I want some kind of cabinet space to organize everything.  I had originally thought cubbies with baskets or cabinets, but now, after seeing this, I want crates (maybe with baskets)!  Wonderful, bright, cheerful crates!  I think I could totally build them myself too! 

                                                                    Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I thought I'd end on something that I thought was funny.  I absolutely love reading!  Always have and I imagine I always will.  I love reading because of what this sign says.  I like to get away from "reality" and fall into a good book and a different "place".  Mystery and horror are my favorite genres.  I lean more towards mystery though because if I read horror books (or watch horror movies) when I am alone (even when Pacen is in the house) I tend to freak myself out.  I start hearing "noises" and I swear someone is sneaking through my house with the intent to kill me.  Silly, I know.  I only feel safe watching or reading horror movies/books if I have company.  It's weird, but I'm weird, and I willingly admit that.  :)

Now on to this week's quote...

Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge: A Mess

The weekly photo challenge last week over at A Step in the Journey was "a mess".  I really haven't been looking forward to this challenge.  I have so many messes right now and it's just plain embarrassing.  I  rearranged my living room a while back and I haven't yet put everything away 'cause I want to change the whole and all.  I didn't want to show you that mess cause it's embarrassing that I actually live in it day in and day out.  My kitchen is also slightly messy.  The counter and butcher block tend to be "catch-alls".  I was too embarrassed to show that mess also.  My basement is, you guessed it, a mess.  Not the guest room or bathroom, but the main room, which is pretty small.  It's a mess 'cause the laundry was piled up in front of the washer and dryer and I was working on a project down there on the deep freeze due to the fact that both my kitchen and dining room tables are rather cluttered at the moment.  *Blush*  Once again I was too embarrassed to show that mess. 

I finally decided to take a picture of the mess I have put off cleaning up for around five years.  It's a mess that gets a little worse each year.  It's...(dramatic pause)...the garage. *gasp!*  When I moved into this house five years ago I put some things in the garage and told myself I'd get to them soon.  Well, that didn't happen and every year more things got piled in there.  To top it off we have accumulated numerous bikes, holiday decor, etc.  Here it is...the awful garage disaster:

Oh my!  So many things just thrown in.  There actually is a work table/counter under all that crap to the left.  Yes, there is a hole in the back wall.  My neighbor backed into it one time.  Haven't been able to get it fixed yet. 

Well, I decided this past weekend it was time to clean this mess.  I drug a lot of stuff out of the garage and piled it in the driveway.  I threw a bunch of crap away (2 pickup loads), swept like crazy, and organized.  Here is what my driveway looked like during the clean up:

This isn't nearly as bad as it ended up looking. 
Finally, after 6-7 hours, almost being gassed out by Pacen who was spraying spiders and bees with bug spray, 6-10 squished spiders (of all kinds), some mild screaming and jumping around (spiders), lots of sneezing, a bit of raising my voice at Pacen and his buddy who were constantly in my way, and two trips to the fire pit where I work, I was finished!  Finished and SUPER pleased with myself.  I still have a box of things that I need to get rid of, but I want to see if the local theater company wants it for props and costumes.  I also want to figure out something to do with all the bikes.  They still make the garage crowded.  But I'm happy I have my work counter and I can easily fit my car in there this winter.  Yay!!!  Here is my clean garge:

I feel so relieved to have that mess cleaned up.  Now to tackle the messes in my house.  I did manage to get part of the living room and kitchen cleaned up. 

 "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ~Phyllis Diller
I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.... I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby." ~ Nancie J. Carmody

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Wishes

It's that time of week again! My Pinterest likes and wishes! Man, the past week sure did fly by.

                                                                  Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I am in love with these lockers!  I have been wanting to turn my back steps into a sort of mudroom for years and there is a spot at the top of the stairs that I always thought would be perfect for a locker type cubby thing.  A single one of these would be absolutely amazing right in that spot.  Do you think it would help Pacen stay organized?

                                                                       Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I adore this light fixture.  I'm a sucker for old things.  Things that contain a lot of history.  Houses, furniture, cars, clothes, books, and just about anything antique.  Imagine the old homes these knob plates came from...the knobs that used to be attached to them...the many hands that turned those knobs.  My house was built in 1919 and some of the doors still have knob plates like these.  I would love to recreate this fixture and put it in my kitchen.  I believe I'll start collecting antique knob plates so I can try!

                                                                              Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

This quilt is so cute and would make the perfect wedding gift.  I know a couple that is getting married next Summer, and this just may be the gift I give them.  (If I have time and patience to get it done.)

                                                                         Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

 Santorini, Greece!!  I LOVE to travel.  My biggest dream is to travel the world.  I want to see all and do all!  Someday I will visit Santorini and relish in it's beauty.

                                                                              Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

How awesome is this bed/homework area/small library?!!  Supposedly it is in a 10x10 room.  I have a small bedroom and I have wanted a unique space of my own since I was a child.  I am half tempted to build this in a corner in my room.  :)  It would make a nice office/crafting space and create more room for my other bedroom furniture.  Hmmmmmmm.  

There were so many other things I would've loved to post, but I guess they'll have to wait for another time.  I leave you now with this week's quote:

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge: Black and White

Last week's weekly photo challenge over at A Step in the Journey was Black and White.   A while back I took a black and white picture of a sailboat that was sailing on Grand Lake in Colorado.  I love sailboats and I hope to one day have one.  Technically I do own one, but it's very small and it's behind my ex's garage.  Anyway, I thought seeing a sailboat on a mountain lake was beautiful.  Taking it in black and white made it more romantic.

Head on over to last week's weekly photo challenge to check out everyone's pictures!   

 "Life is like a good black and white photograph, there's black, there's white, and lots of shades in between" ~ Carl Heiner

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday Wishes

In the past couple of months I have become addicted to a little something called "Pinterest".  Oh, you are addicted too?  Great!  I'm glad I'm not the only one!  The thing I love the most about Pinterest is that I can collect all kinds of ideas without having any kind of paper trail.  Before I stumbled upon Pinterest I would print out a project I wanted to complete or an idea I liked and file it away in a binder.  What a pain in the ass and a waste of paper and ink!  Now all my future projects, meals, and ideas for my house (aka - things I wish to build, make, create, etc.) and such are in one handy place.  Easily accessible...unless the Internet is down.  I've been pinning for over a month or so and on Sunday I started my first project inspired by a pin.  I can't wait until it is finished and I can show you what I made!!  (Oh, and not everything I pin is something I can build, make, or create.  Some pins are just things I love.)

I have decided that every Wednesday I will post some of my favorite "pins" from the week.  It's going to be hard to narrow it down to five or so pins, 'cause I always find so many things that I love!  Not only do I find things on Pinterest that other people have pinned, but I also pin things I have found on other blogs and sites.  So, so, so addicting!!  I guess it's a better addiction to have than other things, but it's hard to focus and accomplish tasks when Pinterest is out there calling my name.  "Brooooooke, there are so many things I know you will love!  Come pin!"

Well, on with the show!  Here are my favorite pins from this past week.

                                                                          Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I just love these cupcakes!!  So cute!!  I can't wait to try to make them, although I'm 99% sure mine will look nothing like these!

                                                                         Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

This bib is hilarious!!  I am definitely making some for friend's and family's babies.

                                                                 Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I am a runner.  I didn't start running until two years ago 'cause I hate it.  I hate it, but I love what it does for me.  I am training for a 1/2 marathon that is to take place on October 2.  I haven't been able to run since Labor Day weekend due to a very personal "injury".  It pisses me off that I have jeopardized my training due to carelessness.  I'm hoping to start training again this week, but I'm behind.  I think I will still try the 1/2 and I'm just going to have to tell myself that it doesn't matter how long it takes me, just as long as I cross that finish line.  Maybe someday I'll divulge my secret "injury", but not today. 

                                                                           Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I am in love with this patio!  I think I have the perfect place in my backyard for this!  Maybe someday I'll be able to build it!

                                                                              Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

I love spats!  There is just something - oh, I dunno what word I want to use - just "something" about them.  I have very eclectic taste in fashion and these are definitely something I would wear!  I think I'll try to make some with this tutorial!

                                                                      Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

Oh, yes!  So VERY true!!  I believe I am going to have to make a sign with this definition to put somewhere in my house!  :) 

On Wednesday Wishes posts I will use a quote that I found on Pinterest.  :)  Only fitting, don't you think?

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge: What I Wore

Last Thursday's photo challenge over at A Step in the Journey was "What I Wore".  My clothing taste is very eclectic.  I try to dress up when I'm at work, which usually consists of black slacks and a nice shirt, pencil skirt and a nice shirt, or a dress.  In the past couple of years I have fallen in love with high heels and although I don't yet own many pairs, I am usually able to pair some I have with what I'm wearing to work.  In the evenings after work I am usually sporting running shorts, a t-shirt, and my Saucony running shoes.  Now, on the weekends you will typically find me in jeans or shorts, a fitted t-shirt with some kind of saying or design on it, and flip-flops.   Deep down I am a total boho/hippie/laid-back type of chick, so my weekend clothes are my favorite.

Fridays at the office are "casual" days so I typically wear my weekend get-up.  Here is what I wore last Friday:
 Powell's Book t-shirt (I bought at Powell's last year on my "Self-Discovery Trip"), comfy capri's that I'm sure are from Target (have had them for YEARS), and flip-flops.  IGNORE the bra hanging on the bed.  I was so focused on working on my photography skills and trying to get a good self-portrait that I didn't even notice it.

When I got home from work I decided to get even more comfortable so I changed one little thing about my outfit:
I added a funky skirt that I bought in Daytona Beach a couple years ago.  It's actually a swim-suit cover, but I folded the shirred top in half and wore it as a skirt. 

Today I am wearing my typical work attire.  Here's a shot:
A shirt I bought a few years ago from Maurice's, some black dress capri pants I bought at Maurice's, and some dressy flip-flops (they have a hard sole and a very slight heel) that I bought at Target. 

To make it even more fun I wore this:
Funky blue sparkle nail polish!!!  Last week they were bright canary yellow!  I think they match my personality...bright and sparkly!  Haha!!

"Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets." ~ Mignon McLaughlin

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge: Low Angle

I am so far behind in the photography challenge! A new challenge starts tomorrow and I am just now posting last weeks challenge. Eeesh.

Last week's challenge over at A Step In The Journey was to shoot from a low angle. Here a a few shots I took while I was in the Rocky Mountain National Park a couple weeks ago.

I want to climb up there!
"Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts." ~ Minor White
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Favorite Things In My Town

I moved to Lusk, Wyoming seven years ago. It's hard to believe I have lived here this long. Nine years ago I was saying, "'m never moving to Lusk! No way, no how!" Never say never. I don't know why I so against moving here. I had the view of an outsider, and now that I've lived here for seven years, my view and outlook have changed. Yes, Lusk has it's faults, but all-in-all it is a great little town. Here are my favorite things about this town... 

The Black Hills on a brisk fall day.
1.) Location! Lusk is situated in a great location. We are only a two hour drive or so from the Black Hills, a three hour drive or so from the Rocky Mountains, a 2-3 hour drive from the numerous mountain ranges in Wyoming, and Yellowstone is only a 5 hour drive away. Granted, the closest Wal-Mart or Mall is a 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive away, but if you want to take a long weekend for a family vacation you don't have to go very far at all. Also, Lusk is only 32 miles from where I grew up. I get to see my family whenever I want to and Pacen gets to hang out with his grandparents, great-grandparents, and aunts quite often.

2.) Small town atmosphere! Lusk has a population of about 1,500, which is small, but not nearly as small as my home town with a population of 291. Lusk is in the least populated county in the least populated state in the nation! There are faults to living in such a small town, but I think the benefits far outweigh them. Yes, everybody knows everyone's business and you can't seem to do anything without it being the talk of the town within an hour, but when a person is in need of help it is there. We have had many benefits for locals who have cancer or other medical problems and it is absolutely amazing to see the town come together to help those in need.

Along with the town coming together to help those in need, it also comes together to support functions and such. Every year during the second weekend in July the town comes together to put on a pageant based on the history of a butte that lies south of town. It is a huge deal and so many people volunteer to help so that the show may continue in the future. We also have many locals that volunteer to help or participate in plays and dance shows put on by a small theater group.

Being a small town also means it is much safer. Not totally safe, but a lot more safe than many other places. Our crime rate is super low and the crime we do have is done mostly by bored teenagers and punks. It's safe here for kids to ride their bikes around town and for them to walk to and from school.

3.) Our Library.  For a very small town we have an amazing library.  I am an avid reader and I love that I can mosey on down to the Niobrara County Library and find what I am looking for.  If they don't have the book I'm looking for they can borrow it from another library in Wyoming.  Not only do they have all kinds of books and children's books, they also have a huge collection of movies.  I even checked Zumba out a while back.

The library also does programs for the local kids.  They have after school programs for different age groups.  Typically it's 1st & 2nd grades and 3rd & 4th grades. They also have a few RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) programs throughout the school year where they put on a play and do an arts/crafts session and the kids get to choose a free book to take home.  They also play movies on some afternoons through the Summer.

Not only are there programs for kids, but there are also programs for adults.  Everything from book discussions to movie discussions to wine tastings and poker.

Their website offers an array of things.  You can now find virtual books to check out for an e-reader you may own.  They have genealogy, tons of links to all things Wyoming, links to numerous local businesses, access to many legal forms, and access to WYLD CAT, which is a Wyoming Libraries Database.  Through WYLD CAT a person (who has a library card at a Wyoming library) can see if any libraries in Wyoming have the book they want to read, they can access a website for language learning for free (I plan on using this to learn German and a few other languages), they can prepare for tests, and do many other things.

So, those are my favorite things about my town.

Today I'm linking up at CentsationalGirl.

"Human nature cannot be studied in cities except at a disadvantage--a village is the place. There you can know your man inside and out--in a city you but know his crust; and his crust is usually a lie." ~ Mark Twain
 "No I cannot forget where it is that I come from, I cannot forget the people who love me.  Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town, and people let me just what I want to be." ~ John Mellencamp
P.S.  I have way more pictures I could put on here but I'm on a new computer and all my pictures are on an old computer that is acting up big time.  I have them backed up, but everything is in a jumble on my external hard drive.  The links I added to this post will give you more of an idea of what my town is all about.
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