Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunshine in a Flower

I'm so ready for Spring! I'm ready for the flowers to bloom (particularly my Tulip bed), the leaves to bud, and the birds to start chirping! So, in anticipation of Spring I bought some Daffodils that were being sold in support of the American Cancer Society. I've always loved Daffodils. They seem to bring a little bit of sunshine to a dreary winter day and lately there have been a lot of dreary winter days. If any of you get a chance to buy some Daffodils then I suggest you do, especially if the funds go towards the American Cancer Society. You will bring a little sunshine into your life and into the lives of those who have been suffering with Cancer.

"The daffodil is our doorside queen; She pushes upward the sword already, To spot with sunshine the early green." ~ Henry Austin Dobson

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mother Nature's Fury = Fun for Some

Well, after a few days of nearly 70 degree weather, Mother Nature decided to bring us back to March reality. She slammed us with a blizzard. It started yesterday morning and didn't let up until a little over 24 hours later. Everything is drifted over and underneath the snow is a bunch of ice. The highways are closed and if you have a car there is no way you are leaving your driveway (without getting severely stuck). The weather was so bad that my boss sent us home at 4:00 yesterday afternoon and he told us to stay home today. That, and the moisture, were the only good things about this storm.

As you probably guessed, Pacen did not have school today. He lounged around the house in his boxers for most of the morning (too bad I don't have the movie Snow would've been a good one for him to watch today) and then he decided to venture outside. He found some big drifts (we have some that are taller than him in our yard)and started digging tunnels. His first one caved in after it was only partially done and his second one was more like a small cave. He was covered from head to toe in snow and soaking wet, but he had fun.

After he decided he was done freezing, he came in and I made him a nice cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows (in MY favorite mug). To top it off he also got to have some Girl Scout Thin Mints. Mmmmmmm.

It must have been a pretty good cup o' chocolate because after only about a minute or so this is what was left.

"The method of nature: who could ever analyze it?" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson