Thursday, February 4, 2010


As some of you may know I really enjoy photography. I'm not the best photographer by any means, but I try to do my best. I still have a long way to go! :) A small percentage of what I've learned about photography was by experimentation, but a majority of the things I've learned came from various blogs and Flickr. The same can be said about what I've learned when it comes to photo editing (using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements), but most of what I've learned about photo editing came from the Pioneer Woman. The tutorials on her site (not all posted by her) are absolutely wonderful! Sometimes I still stumble upon something new when working with Photoshop and part of the time I have no idea how I managed to make a picture look the way it turned out. About 56% of the time that happens, I like what I see. This was the case last night. About two years ago I took a picture of my favorite candelabra. The lighting seemed perfect and I loved the way it's shadow fell across my great-grandparent's dining room table (handed down to me). Last night I re-discovered that image in one of the MANY picture folders on my computer and I decided to play with it in Photoshop Elements. I ended up with three different versions that I really like. The third picture happens to be one of the types of pictures I mentioned above...the kind that I have no idea what I did to get the result, but I like it!

"There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." ~ Ansel Adams