Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Redneck Style

Last night Pacen grilled up some Polish Sausage and we ate at the picnic table in the backyard.  As we were eating I was telling him that I really need to get a run in.  Then the following conversation ensued:

"I know what you can do instead Mom."

"What's that?"

Then as he took a big bite of his "dog" he fanned his arm out in a motion as if indicating a large area of land and said, "Look at all this."  ("All this" meaning the 50' x 50' area of our backyard.  Size is approximation.)

"Well, I have things to do cause I have a meeting here at 7:00 so if you think it's bad then YOU mow it."

"Okay!  But I'm doing it redneck style!"

He then ran inside and put on his cowboy boots, which typically wouldn't be weird, but he was also wearing his swimming trunks.  Sure enough...he mowed the backyard "redneck style".  He cracks me up!

My redneck lawn boy!
Speaking of mowing.  I think the people who own the abandoned house on the corner should've mowed earlier in the season instead of this past Saturday.  You should've seen the smoke rollin' out of their mower!  Crazy!  Here is a picture of Pacen in their yard the day before they mowed...

Pacen is touching a piece of grass that is darn near as tall as him! 
In the picture of Pacen mowing you can almost catch a glimpse of my DIY yard project (behind him)!  I am getting close to revealing it!  I got a lot done on it this past weekend (between storms and dead drill batteries)!  Here's a picture of Pacen helping me with the very beginning stages of the project.  He is quite the helper, but he wears out fast!  :)

Helping remove a post. 

"I always thought a yard was three feet, then I started mowing the lawn. " ~ C. E. Cowman

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Best Dad In The World

I swear that if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.  The night after we got back from vacation I discovered that my fridge had quit while we were gone.  What the hell?!  Why does this kind of stuff happen to me?  I called my dad and he answered the phone to me bawling my eyes out.

Brooke, is that you?

Yes, Dad.  *SOBBING* *SNIFFLING* My fridge quit while I was on vacation!  *BAWLING*

Oh no, honey!  Was there a lot of stuff in it?

Yes!  *SOBBING*  The mice for Pacen's snakes are mush and everything else is ruined too!  *SNIFFLE* A lot of stuff! 

Oh no.  Well hon, there is nothing you can do about it tonight.  You need some sleep.  Take a deep breath and go to bed and call in to work tomorrow and tell them you'll be late.  Clean out your fridge and I'll call Tim and see if we have any fridges in stock in Crawford.   

*BAWLING*  Okay.

Luckily the store in Crawford had a fridge in stock.  Quinn had the day off so she drove down and got it.  That night dad and Quinn drove to Lusk and dad helped me take my old fridge out, which was more difficult than we imagined, and put the new fridge in.  Then he helped me a bit with my yard project.

I am so thankful for my dad!  He is the best and although he is always super busy with his job and projects at home, he finds time to help my sisters and I out when we need it.  He has been the best father figure for us girls and for Pacen.  My dad is funny, compassionate, hard working, patient, and very loving of his family.  I only hope that Pacen grows up to be like him.

Raine, Dad, and I.  (Quinn had to work.)
The one mishap we had today.  Pacen accidentally hooked me, but luckily it wasn't as bad as it could've been. 
"The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering-galleries, they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity." ~ Jean Paul Richter

"I love my father as the stars - he's a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart." ~ Terri Guillemets
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We're Back!!

Well, Pacen and I are back from our vacation to paradise! I hate coming home from vacation, especially when I have to leave the crystal clear waters and sunshine of The Bahamas! It was a fabulous trip though, and I will be updating you on our adventure when I get time. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later! I'll give you a few quick highlights: nice tan, great adventure on the 8th, awesome water park fun, dolphins, and I was asked seven different times if Pacen was my little brother (they were shocked that I'm his mom)! :)

Well, I suppose I better get back to work. I so wish I was sitting here...
Atlantis Beach
enjoying one of these...
Mmmmmm, delicious!  (Phone pic...bad quality)
 and some of these...
Conch Fritters!
"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better." ~ Laurie Anderson

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Layover Shmayover

So, Pacen and I are in Charlotte, NC on a 12-hour layover on the way to Paradise! This is the first time I have ever had a layover longer than 4 hours and I am not liking it. We didn't land in Charlotte until 9:11 pm. We were gonna crash in the airport but we had to get our baggage 'cause they don't keep it with the airline on over-night layovers. Boo!!! So, we got our baggage and called a hotel. They were suppose to have a free shuttle from the airport, but there was no driver tonight so we had to pay $16 for a very short cab ride. Luckily the hotel knocked $10 off our room price. We were both starving so we crossed the street to The Cracker Barrel only to be turned away as it was already 10:00. That led us to the gas station next door where we grabbed some very greasy fried chicken and potato wedges. I am going to look so sexy in my bikini this week. HA! Now we are in our room, full of grease, and trying to stay cool. I just want to be in The Bahamas already! So does Pacen! At least I know 24-hours from now we will be in our hotel room at Atlantis...on the terrace...staring at the possibly enjoying a cold Kalik (me only)! Guess I'll hit the hay.

On another bright note, Pacen is a pretty good traveler. He squirmed a little on the flight, but we played card games and that seemed to keep him entertained. He even had me ask the lady in our row to play with us. She happily played and I think she was tickled that we asked her to play. When we got in the taxi, Pacen looked at me and said, "Mom! This is my first taxi ride!" A couple minutes later he whispered in my ear, "Mom. When we get to the hotel will you tell me how to say the cab driver's name?" Well, I had NO idea how to pronounce it. Haha! Okay, now we're gonna hit the hay!

"There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror." ~Orson Welles

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paradise in T-minus 3 days!

Hello all in blog land! I have been working my ass off this past week! The sun finally decided to make an appearance, allowing me to actually work some more on my two outdoor projects. I've gotten quite a bit done and I'm super excited about it. I'm even more excited that I've done it all on my own! I love the feeling of independence. :)

On another note, Pacen and I are leaving for The Bahamas in 3 days!!! I am super super super excited! As you may know, I went to The Bahamas exactly two years ago and I fell in love! No, not with a man. I fell in love with the Caribbean!  It is amazing!  The turquoise waters, the smell of the sea breeze, the beautiful world beneath the surface of the ocean, the laid back atmosphere, etc.  I absolutely can not wait to breathe the air into my lungs, to feel the sand in my toes, and to run into the beautiful warm water.  Most of all I can't wait to see the look on Pacen's face!

This will be his first trip out of the U.S. and his second trip to see the ocean.  He went with his Dad and step-family to California a few years back and I was really bummed that I missed his first ocean experience, but this will be better. This ocean is so unlike the Pacific.  Yes, I've seen the Pacific (on my Self-Discovery Trip last year) so I am allowed to make the comment that they are very different.  Granted, the Pacific was a raging, angry mess when I was there, but still.  Okay, so anyway, I am so ready to share my love of the Caribbean with the one person who matters most to me.  I hope he falls in love with it just as I did. 

We will be staying at Atlantis.  I actually let Pacen choose our vacation destination and after a bunch of mind-changing he finally settled on Atlantis.  His first choice was Arizona.  Why?  He wanted to chase lizards.  His second choice was Florida.  Why?  Partly because we have family there and partly because there are also lizards.  Finally he chose Atlantis cause he saw a commercial.  What?  Not because of lizards?!  Wow!  I do have a surprise up my sleeve though.  When I was there two years ago we stopped on Allen's Cay, which happens to be home to hundreds, if not thousands, of wild Iguana.  Well, when I booked the trip there were many extra options and a speed boat ride out to Allen's Cay for a day was one.  I booked it!  It was expensive, but I think it will be well worth it! 

A fellow from my last Bahamian vacation. 
 I am planning on taking my laptop since we have an over-night layover in Charlotte and I need something to keep Pacen occupied, so IF I have time I will update you on all our Bahamian adventures!  I have a feeling we'll be so busy with the water park, aquarium, down town Nassau, and various other excursions that I may not have time, but one never knows.  :)

"A travel adventure has no substitute. It is the ultimate experience, your one big opportunity for flair." ~ Rosalind Massow

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