Monday, August 24, 2009

Mmmmmm, delicious!

My co-worker's (Twyla) husband (Jim) requested some homemade cookies a while back and last week I decided it was the perfect time to make some. A couple of weeks ago some people moved into the house just down the street so I decided to make a double batch of homemade Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies...enough for the new neighbors (as a "welcome to the neighborhood" gift), Jim & Twyla, Doug & Julie (some friends), the linemen, a really nice salesman that was going to be at the NEA the next day, and a few for me!

Earlier this year I found the best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. It is the only one I use now and you'll never guess where I found! Did you sense the sarcasm? Yeah, so is where I get many of my recipes. It's a great site! You should check it out if you haven't yet done so.

This Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is DELICOUS! The linemen literally devoured their large plate of cookies within fifteen minutes or so! The salesman called today and told Rick (Line Superintendent) to tell me not to make him anymore cookies because he ate his plate all by himself! Twyla told me they were the best cookies she's had in a long time. She also mentioned how hard it was not to eat them all before Jim got any. So...I suggest you try these cookies! You won't regret it...unless, of course, you eat the whole batch by yourself, which may happen. Maybe these cookies should come with a warning.

Warning: These cookies are so devilishly delicious that you may not be able to quit eating them. You might create an addiction! (There, you've been warned!)

Oh, and as far as the new neighbors are concerned, I haven't heard if they liked the cookies or not, but even if they didn't, it felt good to be a nice neighbor. I like to makes me happy to make others happy.

"Giving is more a dictate of the heart than a command of the brain." ~ Henry A. Rosso

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bucket List

Last year I watched the movie "The Bucket List" with Morgan Freeman (one of my most favorite Actors) and Jack Nicholson. The movie was okay. It definitely isn't one of my all-time favorites, but it did help me open my eyes. I've always known life is too short, and that I should be doing all the things I've dreamed of before it's too late, but I also always thought I was too busy to pursue many of those things. I was too busy with school. Too busy with work. Too busy with Pacen. Too busy doing other things. Plus I am not as financially well off as I need to be in order to pursue many of my dreams and interests. Not even close! (I think I really need to find a sugar daddy who will fund my expensive hobbies, interests, and dreams!)

I decided to make a bucket list. I put all my dreams, hopes, desires, and interests on paper, well, actually, I put them in my computer. The initial list was long, and, well, it keeps getting longer! I've been able to cross some things off my list, but it seems I add more than I cross off. Many of the dreams on my list have to do with traveling and, needless to say, traveling is way too expensive.

Some things I've been able to cross off are: see Aerosmith in concert, learn to scuba dive, learn how to rock climb, earn a Master's Degree, learn how to weld, and travel out of the United States. Some things that might take me a while to cross off are: travel to Petra, Jordan; dive the Great Barrier Reef; take Pacen to The Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin was his hero); backpack Europe; swim in The Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls; etc. Luckily there are still a few things on my list that can fairly easily be accomplished: raft class 5-6 rapids, skydive again, compete in a Triathlon, and travel to Las Vegas.

I suggest everyone make a bucket list. See what your list entails and I guarantee there will be at least one thing (maybe even ten or more) that you can afford to find the time and money for. Then go from there. It might take years to cross everything off your list, but so what. Your goals are on paper and it will keep you motivated. I read the other day that people who set goals and accomplish them are happier, healthier, and live longer than people who don't. So make that list, start crossing things off, and live a better, more fulfilling life!

"Nothing happens unless first we dream." ~ Carl Sandburg

Dream Come True!

On August 5 I got to attend something that I've been waiting 15 years to attend! I went to an Aerosmith concert! Yes, I've waited 15 years to see Aerosmith in concert...15 years! I almost gave up on the dream, thinking they wouldn't go on tour again, and if they did they surely wouldn't hit any venues within driving distance of Lusk, but alas...they started a tour with ZZ Top (another of my favorites) and decided to play at the Buffalo Chip Campground in Sturgis, SD!

I found out last October that they were going to be playing at Buffalo Chip this year. Kurtis and I were eating at The Pizza Place and he says, "I have to tell you something." I said, "Okay, what is it?" He then says he can't tell me until we get outside. We hadn't even gotten our food yet and I was thinking, "You can't just leave me hanging like this!" When our food arrived I scarfed mine down in no time flat (curiosity was really getting the better of me) and he took his sweet time. Arg! Finally we left and as soon as we were in the parking lot I turned around and said, "So, what do you have to tell me?" He said, "Aerosmith is going to be at Buffalo Chip next year." Oh! My! God! I started screaming, squealing, and jumping up and down! He looked at me and said, "This is why I had to tell you out here!" As soon as tickets began selling I bought two! I wanted to upgrade to VIP but I couldn't afford to. Aerosmith had two different VIP packages. One was about $1,600 and the other was around $900! I seriously shed a tear when I discovered that I wouldn't be able to afford VIP tickets.

Finally, August 5 arrived! I took my friend Dawn and we got to Buffalo Chip around 2:00 pm. We set up our tent and headed to the amphitheater to see if people were already starting to crowd around the stage. It wasn't too bad so we roamed around, grabbed a bite to eat, and then headed over to the stage to find a spot to sit for the next 5 1/2 hours while we waited for the concert to start. We forgot to bring chairs so we ran over to the Buffalo Chip General Store and bought $22 camping chairs, which turned out to be well worth the money. We grabbed our spot again (very near the right corner of the catwalk) and lounged in our new chairs. We met some nice people while we waited, visited with them, and drank $1.00 tap beer (can't beat that)!

Saving Abel opened for Aerosmith and began playing shortly after 8:00. I've never really gotten into Saving Abel so I didn't know what to expect. They were pretty good. As soon as they got done a pretty big thunderstorm rolled in. It was lightning like crazy and pouring rain. Luckily we were close enough to the stage that it blocked a lot of the rain so we didn't get nearly as drenched as the people further back. It rained for 1/2 an hour or more and I was beginning to think that maybe I wouldn't get to see Aerosmith afterall, when it finally quit! Yay! It took another 1/2 hour for the stage crew to get things ready again.

Finally the moment I'd been waiting for happened! Aerosmith made their way onto the stage! AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! (That's my scream!) We had made our way right up to the fence surrounding the catwalk, so for much of the concert I was only 10 feet from Steven Tyler and Joe Perry! AWESOME! I felt like one of those crazy teenage girls that goes to a concert and screams, and cries, and reaches for the band, except I didn't cry or reach...I screamed, screamed, screamed, screamed some more and took pictures! :) About the eighth song in they started playing "Love in an Elevator". Joe was on the catwalk and an amp blew. He motioned for the music to be cut, but it didn't happen. He walked back to the main stage to figure out what was going on and Steven grabbed his mic and headed onto the catwalk. He started doing a crazy dance to keep the crowd going. He spun around the catwalk he went...backwards! Oh! My! God! My mouth dropped open and you could hear the whole crowd gasp (all 160,000 people)! He fell on the other side of the catwalk so I couldn't see what was going on. After what seemed like an eternity, the stage crew helped Steven back onto the stage. He was bleeding, but he was walking...with some help. After another eternity, Joe Perry came out and told us the concert would be ending since Steven was on his way to the hospital.

I couldn't believe it...I wait 15-years to see Aerosmith and Steven falls off the stage! I have a theory about what happened. You see, just before Steven fell he made eye contact with me, got flustered, and fell off the stage! He literally fell in love with me! LOL!! Seriously though, that's what happened! I know some of you don't believe this theory, but it's true! (I can dream!) Okay, though, I seriously do think that we made eye contact at least once during the concert. He was only 10 feet from me and I swear he looked at me (at least once)! Dawn thinks I'm crazy, but I'm not. I'm just a dreamer! :)

So, it turns out Steven broke his shoulder and cut his head open. I'm thinking they should change the name of their song "Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees)" to "Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Shoulder)". :)


Joe Perry playing behind his head!


"Dreams are necessary to life." ~ Anais Nin

"Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." ~ Gloria Steinem